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Here are some of the conditions that chiropractic can help to relieve pain and symptoms:

Dizziness - Whiplash
TMJ dysfunction
Shoulder pain:
bursitis, tendinitis
Rotator cuff injury
Sternal pain
Intercostal pain/Rib pain
Epicondylitis/ Tennis elbow
Golfer's elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Wrist pain and tendinitis
Knee pain: sprain, strain
Jumper's knee, Runner's knee
Femoro-patellar tracking syndrome
Ankle pain: sprain, strain
Foot and toe pain
Torticollis, Neck stiffness
Text neck syndrome
Cervical postural syndrome
Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder)
Scoliosis/ Postural syndrome
Shoulder blade pain
Thoracic pain
Lumbalgo/ lumbar strain
Facet syndrome
Vertebral subluxations
Disc herniation
Sciatialgia/ Sciatica
Sports injuries
Work injuries
Plantar fasciitis
Heel spur
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